Online class was held on December 12, registration for the event is closed!
Baby Care Hacks for parents of babies from 0 to 3 month
What to expect during the first three months of a baby's life and how to find a balance between calmness and excessive anxiety? Learn everything you need to feel confident in your ability to care for your newborn. You'll finish this class feeling more relaxed for the arrival of your baby!
Online class is a group webinar with top experts.
Get answers to all of your parenting questions - how to organize breastfeeding or bottle feeding? What difficulties might you face in the future? What are the features of sleep at this age? How to set realistic expectations for what life is like with a newborn?

You can learn a lot of critical information that will help you feel confident, educated, and ready for this new adventure from Dr. Olga Sobakina (MD, certified pediatrician, author, speaker, and full-time working mom).

Dr. Olga Sobakina
MD, certified pediatrician, author, speaker, and full-time working mom
What you’ll learn:
How to determine the rate of growth and weight of your baby
How to care for your little one
How to set yourself up for breastfeeding success
How to establish healthy sleep habits in a safe sleeping environment
How to pick the perfect pediatrician for you, and what to expect at visits
How to recognize what's normal, what's not, and signs of possible illness or infection
During the webinar you can ask any questions to the medical specialist.
if you have questions about online class - write to us
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